Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

co-workers with God, 325.
Elohim of the Bible, 325.
five have withdrawn, 220, 522.
have left humanity to care of Elder Brothers, 327.
have withdrawn from creation, 327.
included in God’s own being, 183.
man contacts during involution, 526.
most active between revolutions and periods, 207.
of various cosmic planes, 182.
seven still active, 522.
status of, 325.
symbolized by Rose Cross, 522.
two nameless, 220-221, 326.
twelve, 221.
work of, 326.
Hierarchies,see also Elohim, and diagram 9.
Hierophants, aim to teach man self-mastery, 273.
initiate at holy night, 391.
initiated the chosen few, 390, 404, 481.
in past chose families, 404.
of lesser mysteries, Elder Brothers are, 520.
Higher life, worldly obligations to be met before
seeking, 469, 470-471.
Higher self, union with, 432, 437.
Higher Vehicles,see Vehicles Higher.
must shine to attract teacher, 525.
Hindu exercises, 437.
Hindu race bodies, 437.
Holy Night, night of Initiation, 390.
Holy of Holies, 293.
Holy Spirit,see Jehovah.
Homesickness from race spirit, 351.
Honeymoon relic of Moon Period, 219.
Hope being destroyed, 517.
Horoscope, accidents foreshown by, 162.
Horse, projection of bodies of, 77.
Human spirit, awakened by Seraphim, 215.
in charge of Lords of Form, 220.
in pineal gland and brain and cerebro-spinal nervous
system , 397.
linked to divine spirit, 216.
linked to life spirit, 215.

Human spirit, (cont.)
most prominent in Jupiter Period, 423.
reflected in desire body, 206.
third aspect of spirit, 215.

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