Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Mediums, centers of desire body of, revolve counter
clock-wise, 473.
have retrograded, 241.
lower vehicles loosely connected, 62.
read reflecting ether, 38.
unreliability of, 41, 474.
Mediumship, development of, easy, 474.
produced by looseness in vehicles, 62.
Memory, Conscious, promotes growth of Intellectual Soul, 96.
conscious, cultivated by Lemurians, 281.
in Atlantis greater than now, 296.
intellectual soul grows by exercise of, 424.
relates to experiences of this life, 91.
storehouse for thought forms, 90.
Memory of nature, exists in three regions, 38, 398.
candidate for initiation watches revolutions and epochs
in, 525-526.
explains heart anomaly, 396.
man sees his ancestors in, 354.
thought forms recoverable in, 29.
Memory of past life, incident of, 172-174.
responsibility of, 171.
Memory, three kinds, 91-92.
Memory, sub-conscious, blood the vehicle of, 353, 397.
expunging record from, 111.
impressed on vital body, 91, 462-463.
in patriarchs, 354.
in reflecting ether, 101, 526.
of family history, 354.
of this life, 91.
Memory, super-conscious, engraved in life spirit, 92.
impresses reflecting ether of vital body, 92.
not always subject to reason, 92.
of past experience, 92.
Menstruation due to positive vital body in woman, 60.
Mental consciousness of Earth Period, 420.
Mental pictures in blood, 353, 354.
Mental types on earth strata, 511.
Mercurians work to help man toward Initiation, 274.
Mercury (metal), as medicine, 274.
frees ego from dense body, 274.
Mercury (planet), beings from, aid man, 271.
beings of, far advanced, 272.
emerging from planetary rest, 275.
influence of, increasing, 275.
Mercury (planet), (cont.)
man never inhabited, 275.

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