Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

New Jerusalem in First Heaven, 116.
New Race led by highest Initiate, 304, 305.
progenitors of, 311.
seed of, from America, 305.
New Testament, Christian Teachings of, 315.
New Year, birth of, 390.
Niflheim, cold foggy north boundary of Chaos, 247.
Nimrod, type of Atlantean, 166.
Nine, number, hidden in age of Christ, 501.
most significant number, 500.
number of Adam, 500.
number of beast, 499-500.
number of humanity, 500-501.
Nine strata of earth, 499-500.
Noah and wine, symbols, 168
Norsemen and test of blood mixing, 145, 353.
Nose, base of, stronghold of divine spirit, 397.
vital and dense bodies congruent at, 293.
Not peace but sword, 383-388.
Nuclei of world globe persist in Chaos, 247.
Number, an aspect of God and Man, 253.
of Adam, 500.
of the beast, 499-500.
of humanity, 500-501.
of the saved, 501.
Nutrition and assimilation, 457.
chocolate, importance of, 452.
facilitated by cheerfulness, 456.
importance of water in, 446, 449.
phosphate of lime retards, 443.
phosphorus, element of, in vegetables and fruits, 453.
science of, 441-457.
sugar important in, 447.
sugar, no phosphorus in refined, 453.
value of plants and fruits in, 452, 458-460.
Nutrition,see also Food.

Objective consciousness, 417, 421.
creative, 419, 421.
Objective Consciousness,see also Waking Consciousness.
Observation, important aid to aspirant, 492.
necessary in super-physical worlds, 25, 492.
student should learn by, 131.
Obsession, how to diagnose, 173.
in anger, 144.
Occult discovery of earth’s third motion, 512.

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