Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

beings, 343.
impregnated, worked on by mother’s desire body, 138.

Pain and bearing of children, 278.
educational benefits of, 131.
factor in developing independent thought, 363.
factor in developing Lemurian’s bodily sensibilities, 279.
in amputated limb, 64.
in education of Lemurian, 279.
Paine, Thomas, liberation of, from race spirit, 350.
Painter, learns to build artistic eye, 126.
Panorama of life and retrospection, 111.
basis of pleasure and pain, 109.
ego watches, 101, 102, 114.
in desire world, 108.
in etheric region, 102.
length of, 102.
obtained from blood, 398.
read in reflecting ether, 135, 161.
Panoramas, two, 129, 130.
Paralysis from condition of vital body, 63.
Parturition, painful, cause of, 283.
Passion, region of, 44-45.
Past lives, memory of, 171.
Paternalism supersedes individualism, 393.
Paths, mystic and occult, 520.
Patriarchs, long life of, 354.
Patriotism, eliminated through international marriage, 355.
fanatical, bar to progress, 307, 312.
from race spirit, 350, 359, 360.
superseded by altruism, 355.
Peace and a sword, 387, 388.
on earth, 387.
that passeth understanding, 122.
Peat, mineral-plant, 227.
Pentecost and gift of tongues, 433.
Perception in Atlantis, 293.
of higher worlds, 24.
Periods and corresponding states of conscious-
ness, 189, 417, 421.
and seven days of creation, 327-433.
comparative length of, 420, 421.
cosmic night of rest between, 196, 243.
man’s progress through, 189.
not related to planets, 190, 412.
Periods, Seven, from man to God, 188.

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