Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

harmonize with Bible teaching, 317.
incarnations of earth, 188-193.
Perpetuation of race by angels, 283, 288.
Persistence, no results without, 487
reward of, 496.
Personality in desire body, 243.
desire body seeks to rule, 348.
Phallicism taught spiritual regeneration, 534.
Philanthropist works in heaven, 120.
Philosopher’s Stone, each makes for himself, 438, 519.
formed of concrete material, 519.
formula of, given esoterically, 438.
handled by many, 438.
making of, symbolized, 519.
wrought by Christ, 520.
Philosophies recognize involution and evolution, 185.
Philosophy of Rosicrucians logical, 8.
Phosphorus, brain needs, 452-453.
Phosphorus, found in vegetables and fruits, 453.
necessity of, for brain in mental and spiritual work, 453.
Physical world, chemical region of, 29-34.
densest, 29, 187.
etheric region of, 34-38.
man must conquer, 300.
matter and force inseparable, 149.
occupies less space than higher worlds, 180.
reflected in higher regions, 43.
seven divisions of, 30.
transformed by imagination, 426.
valuable as experiment station, 32.
world of form, 119.
Physical world,see also Earth.
Picture consciousness of animals, 83.
dream or internal, 74, 83, 217, 415, 419, 421.
self-consciousness, 418, 419, 421.
Pilgrimage through matter, beginning and end of, 87.
culmination of, 429.
Pillar, Him that overcometh will I make a, 158.
Pineal gland and pituitary body, 473-477.
awakened by training, 477.
degenerated, 262.
dormant at present time, 473.
first sense organ, 261, 262.
now connected with voluntary nervous system, 477.
organ of clairvoyant sight, 477.
third eye, 262, 473.

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