Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

creators of sin, 380, 383.
enumeration of, 374, 383.
fifth, conquering world of matter, 168.
fundamentally separative, 384.
influence man from without, 380.
inspired by same spiritual impulse, 515.
Jehovah the author of, 334, 374, 380, 383, 433, 435.
Jewish, 312.
peculiar to Earth Period, 271.
point to one who is to come, 386.
prepare for union with Jehovah, 433.
present insufficiency of, 383, 395.
purpose of, 395, 433, 435.
spiritual solar impulses via moon, 403.
Race spirits, the archangels, 334, 349, 403.
considered a group before the individual, 352.
exercise a protectorate over evolving humanity, 348.
foster patriotism, 350.
gain entrance to blood by means of air
inspired, 350, 356, 380.
guide the races through the blood, 350.
instigate wars, 334.
promote pride of race, 351.
realize deficiencies of religion, 383.
still work with man, 359.
unrelenting law of, 384.
under rule of, groups were considered before
individuals, 392.
Race spirits,see also Archangels.
Races and their leaders, 270-273.
degeneration of, 289, 290.
evanescent feature of evolution, 311.
first evolved in Lemurian Epoch, 271.
of fifth epoch, 305.
of future aided by Mercury, 275.
perpetuation of, controlled by angels, 288.
progress through epigenesis, 344.
sixteen in our evolution, 271.
sixteen paths of destruction, 306-307, 312, 401.
steps in evolution, 312.
to end with coming epoch, 305, 312.
worked upon by race spirits, 350.
Ray, Brothers of same, 438, 439.
Rays, seven, of humanity, 439.
Reality of higher worlds, 28.
Reason, based in desire, 396.
cunning transmuted into, 309.

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