Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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passing interest and unworthy of further notice. Therefore,
the aspirant should regard everything that happens during
concentration as sacred and should keep it strictly to
Finally, beware of regarding the exercises as a
burdensome task. Estimate them at their true worth; they are
our highest privilege. Only when thus regarded can we do
them justice and reap the full benefits from them.


Although the word “Rosicrucian” is used by several organizations,
The Rosicrucian Fellowship has no connection with any of them.
In the years 1907-08, after being tested for sincerity of purpose and
selfless desire to aid his fellowmen, Max Heindel was selected by the
Brothers of the Rose Cross to give out publicly the Western Wisdom
Teachings and thus help prepare humanity for the coming Age of
Universal Brotherhood. By means of intense self-discipline and devotion
to service he earned the status of Lay Brother (Initiate) in the exalted
Rosicrucian Order.
Under the direction of the Brothers of the Rose Cross, spiritual giants
of the human race, Max Heindel wroteThe Rosicrucian Cosmo-
Conception, an epoch-making book which has now become the Western
World's leading textbook on occultism. By means of his own spiritual
devel opment he was abl e t o veri fy for hi msel f much t hat was gi ven inThe
Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, as well as to gain additional knowledge
that later become embodied in his numerous books.
One of the basic conditions on which the Western Wisdom
Teachings were given to Max Heindel was that no price should be set on
them. This condition was faithfully observed by him to the end of his life,
and has since been carefully observed by those directing the affairs of the
Rosicrucian Fellowship. Although the Fellowship books are sold, the
correspondence courses and the service of our Healing Department have
been kept on the free will offering plan. There are no membership fees.

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