Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1


Pilate asked the question “What is Truth?” and being
incapable of knowing from within, he received no answer.
Christ Jesus said: “The Truth shall make you free,” and
Plato, with mystic intuition, said “God is Truth, and Light is
His shadow.” John said “God is Light,” and as he was clos er
to the Master than the other disciples, he undoubtedly
received teaching higher than the others were capable of
receiving. We must remember that it matters not how much
truth there may be, it is not for us unless we can receive it.
Everyone may see the beauty of the numerous shades of
light and color all about us, except those with the affliction
of blindness. He who cannot perceive the world of color
around him is poor indeed. So it is with Truth. Truth is
everywhere, and can always be found if we are capable of
perceiving it. In the exercises of the Rosicrucian Fellowship
(Retrospection and Concentration), we have been given a
splendid means of coming in touch with Truth.
Plato and John said, “God is Light,” and if we go to one
of the great observatories, and with the best telescope made,
look into space, we see that there is no boundary to light. It
is everywhere, and with the symbol of light there expressed
there comes the idea of omnipresence and magnitude of the
God we worship. John, in the first five verses of his Gospel,
says: “In the beginning was the Word,” and therein we have
a marvelous solution of the problem, for when we go back to
the beginning, we are in the realm of Truth.
At the present time we have sunk into matter, and are
incapable of coming into contact with that truth directly, but
when we go back in thought to the beginning of things, then
we are in thought with God and more capable of recognizing

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