leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

Figure 4-1 Example of a variable as both dependent and independent

In comparison to Huelsman, a similar – but more nuanced and straightforward -
framework is provided by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of
Management, who describe organisational behaviour as being “...devoted to
understanding individuals and groups within an organizational context” and
focusing on interactions of characteristics, process and outcomes at individual,
group and organisational levels (OBWeb 2011). Examples are given as:

 individual characteristics: beliefs, values, demographic attributes
 individual processes: motivation, learning, perception
 interpersonal processes: social exchange and networks
 group/team characteristics: size, diversity, cohesion
 group/team processes: leadership
 organisational processes and practices: leadership, goal setting, feedback,
communication, work design
 contextual influences: organisational and national culture
 and the influence of all of the above on individual, interpersonal, group,
and organizational outcomes such as performance

The Academy of Management framework shares Huelseman’s individual, group
and organisational processes but also contains discrete categories for individual
and group/team characteristics and for individual, interpersonal and group
outcomes in addition to organizational outcomes. As such, this framework is
more nuanced and is able to provide a more straightforward scheme within which
to conceptualise the different categories and the ways in which the variables
within these categories can interact.

This research draws upon the dimensions and relationships described by both the
Academy of Management’s Organizational Behaviour Division (OBWeb 2011) and
Huelsman (2007) to create the following four domains:

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