leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

To employ the DSB construct for empirical research requires it to be
operationalised and this process has been undertaken by Simons and Roberson
(2003). Simons and Roberson (2003: 436) describe using the DSB concept for
the development of a four item scale for structural equation modelling. They
designed these items for a peer evaluation of co-worker behaviour based on Van
Dyne and LePine’s (1998) finding that peer evaluations were more representative
of actual behaviour then self-assessment.

Construct name Discretionary Service Behaviour (DSB)

Definition Co-workers’ guest-directed extra effort

Understanding of

DSB describes a service employee’s discretionary (i.e. beyond
expectations) guest-focused service behaviour

Inclusion rationale

(A) to test the DSB construct in an independent sample
following the work of Simons and Roberson (2003); and
(B) to provide a performance measure at the group level

Scale source/s Blancero and Johnson (1997, 2001); Simons and Roberson (2003)

Scale semantic Frequency

Looking at each of the four statements below, please
tick a box to describe how often you have seen this
behaviour in your current workplace.

Never Always

DSB1 My coconcerns very seriously-workers show they take guests' 1 2 3 4 5


If one of my co-workers does not know the
answer to a guest's question, he or she makes
an effort to find out

1 2 3 4 5

DSB3 My coguest's special request-workers go out of their way to deliver a 1 2 3 4 5


If a guest approaches when one of my co-
workers is busy, he or she stops whatever they
are doing and talks with the guest

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 5-11 The Discretionary Service Behaviour construct

Only two of the four items were reported in Simons and Roberson (2003) –
accordingly, the first author was contacted and he provided details of all of the
items along with a brief background and rationale for their design (Simons 2010,
personal communication). The four items developed and used by Simons and
Robertson (Simons and Roberson 2003; Simons 2010) are described in Figure
5 - 11 alongside summary details of how the contruct relates to the current

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