leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

Construct name Job Performance (JP)

Definition An individual service employee’s extra effort

Understanding of

Measures perceptions of own work intensity, quality, extra
effort and guest-focused service behaviour


Transformational leaders are hypothesised to inspire
Performance Beyond Expectations

Scale source/s

Drawn from the transformational leadership theory literature
including: Bass (1988, 1990) Bass and Avolio (1990a) and
Bass and Riggio (2006)

Scale semantic Frequency

Thinking about your current job, please tick a box for
each statement to indicate how often you..

Never Always

JP1 (^) Try to work harder 1 2 3 4 5
JP2 (^) Want to do your job better 1 2 3 4 5
JP3 Find that you have done more than you expected to do 1 2 3 4 5
JP4 Go out of your way to deal with a guest’s special request 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 5-10 The Job Performance construct

JP1 and JP2 are, to some extent, self-explanatory with regard to their substantive
content (JP2 is slightly more cognitively- rather than behaviourally-focused). JP1
centres on magnitude of effort and JP2 centres on effort channelled towards
improving quality of performance. JP3 embodies the concept of Performance
Beyond Expectations and JP4 is designed to reflect the guest-focused / service-
focused substantive content embodied in the Discretionary Service Behaviour
indicators DSB2, DSB3 and DSB4 (see below). The guest-focused nature of JP4
relates the construct to the service context; further, by conceptually and
substantively linking Job Performance (JP) with Discretionary Service Behaviour
(DSB) it is intended to provide a degree of comparability between individual- and
group-level performance outcomes.

Discretionary Service behaviour (Group- level outcome)

The development (by Blancero and Johnson 1997, 2001) of the DSB
(Discretionary Service Behaviour) construct has been described above in Section
4.3.1 where it was identified as being relevant for this current study.

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