leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

Model CFA 3b:4
 Model fit continues to be unsatisfactory (χ^2 p = 0.000; RMSEA = 0.71; CFI =
 There are no variables flagged for attention based on their factor loadings
 There are no SRCs greater than 2.58, although JS5 remains on observation
owing to an SRC of 2.57 shared with ML3
 Looking then to the modification indices (MIs):
o the largest MI value is that between indicator variables AC2/AC4
o AC2 and AC4 have similar factor loadings (0.794 and 0.824)
o AC4 has a greater magnitude of SRCs (10.8) than AC2 (5.2)
o AC4 is removed

Regarding the substantive implications of modifications to the new Employee
Attitudes construct; the exploratory nature of this new construct (combining ME,
AOC and JS into one latent variable) provides something of a ‘free hand’ in
making modifications. Specifically, the meaning of the new Employee Attitudes
construct is yet to be interpreted, and that interpretation will depend on the
nature of the remaining indicator variables.
Nevertheless, care will be taken to minimise the impact of indicator by seeking
item overlap – i.e. a theoretical rationale – before indicator removal. In this case,
removing AC4 does not have a major substantive impact as the three AOC
indicator variables all measure closely-related components: AOC1 describes ‘being
part of the family (at work)’, AOC2 describes ‘emotional attachment (to work)’
and AOC4 describes ‘strong sense of belonging (to the organisation)’.

Model CFA 3b:5
 Model fit continues to be unsatisfactory by chi square (χ^2 p = 0.000) although

RMSEA and CFI have improved (RMSEA = 0. 0 59; CFI = 0.968)
 There are no variables flagged for attention based on their factor loadings
 There are no SRCs greater than 2.58, although JS5 remains on observation
owing to an SRC of 2.55 (i.e. approaching the 2.58 threshold discussed in
Section 7.2.8) shared with ML3
 Looking then to the modification indices (MIs):
o the largest MI value (20.199) is shared between JS5 and JS 6
o substantively, there is a clear item overlap between JS6 (All things
considered, how satisfied are you with your job?) and ME1 (My job
provides me with satisfaction)

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