leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1
o therefore, removing either JS6 or ME1 will not impact the substantive
content of the construct as the ‘satisfaction’ component of the factor is
o using the standardised residual covariance matrix, JS6 is removed on
the basis that it is associated with a far greater magnitude of
unmeasured variance than ME1 (7.109 versus 2.084)

Model CFA 3b:6
 Model fit continues to improve but chi square remains <0.05 (χ^2 p = 0.010;

RMSEA = 0. 0 43; CFI = 0.983)
 The SRC between JS5 and ME3 has risen considerably to 2.9
 There are no specific substantive reasons to chose between retaining JS5
(satisfaction with promotional opportunities) and ME3 (I enjoy going to work)
 JS5, however, has a lower factor loading than ME3 (0.653 versus 0.851) and
far greater magnitude of unmeasured variance associated with it (20.7 versus
 JS5 is removed

Model CFA 3b:7
 Model fit is now satisfactory (χ^2 p = 0.100; RMSEA = 0. 0 32; CFI = 0.992)

 All SRCs are satisfactory at between ±1.96
 The modification index (MI) values suggest problems with unmeasured
variances between several indicator variables in the new Employee Attitudes
o the largest of these is between AOC1 and AOC2 (10.583)
o there is some item overlap between these items - AOC1 describes ‘being
part of the family (at work)’ and AOC2 describes ‘emotional attachment
(to work)’
o consulting the standardised residual covariance matrix reveals that
AOC1 has a greater magnitude of associated unmeasured variance
o AOC1 is removed

Model CFA 3b:8
 Model fit is now good – the parameter estimates, model fit and construct
validity values are reported in Table 7 - 19.

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