leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

With reference to Wollack et al.’s Work Meaning model (upon which the Work
Meaning construct for this research is based, see Figure 7 - 13 ) ME1 and ME3
relate to the Pride in Work (Intrinsic) domain and ME6 relates to the Social Status
of Job (Extrinsic) domain.

One consideration is that the new construct can be interpreted as a larger Work
Meaning (ME) construct consisting of the three indicators from the ME construct in
Model 2 plus JS1 and AOC2. However, while the content of JS1 (satisfaction with
daily/job tasks) fits with the Pride in Work domain in Figure 7 - 13 , it is more
difficult to see how AOC2 (emotional attachment to the company) fits with
Wollack et al.’s characterisation, or any of the other characterisations, of work
meaning discussed in Section 5.3.

Intrinsic domain
Sub-scale Interpretation
Pride in work satisfaction and enjoyment from doing job well
Job Involvement degree to which a worker takes an active interest in co-workers
and company functions and desires to contribute to job-related

a preference by the worker to remain active and busy at their job

Extrinsic domain
Sub-scale Interpretation
Attitude toward

the value an individual places in making money on the job

Social Status of

effect the job on a person's standing among his friends, relatives,
and co-workers
Mixed character domain
Sub-scale Interpretation
Upward Striving continually seeking a higher level job and better standard of living
Responsibility to

recognition of an obligation to work
Source: Wollack et al. (1971)

Figure 7-13 Wollack et al.’s Work Meaning domains

The five indicators in the final construct can be summarised, then, as overall job
satisfaction, satisfaction with job tasks, enjoyment, prestige and emotional
attachment. In an attempt to categorise these indicators, it was felt that
identifying a common factor amongst these is best (and most simply) achieved by
relating the construct to the broader Employee Attitudes domain of the organising
framework (Figure 7 - 1 ) in which the original JS, ME and AOC constructs are

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