leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

While we should expect the two perspectives (IIA – characteristics attributed by
followers and IIB - behavioural aspects demonstrated by the leader) which
underpin the factor/factors to be present in the descriptions, there seem to be
more than the two perspectives present. That is, even if we group together:

(i) Associated leader traits (Bass and Avolio) and Followers’ perception of
(Rowold and Heinitz; Kanste et al.) as attributed characteristics; and
(ii) An aspect of leader behaviour (IIB - Barnett et al.) as a behavioural

When it occurs and What it does remain as incongruities in the framework.

Given such non-standardised approaches to describing these particular factors, it
is perhaps not surprising that the full range model has been criticised in the past
on the basis of:

 its structural validity; that is, the uniqueness of the individual factors - e.g.
Muenjohn and Armstrong (2008: 5) and Tracey and Hinkin (1998); and
 its measurement quality - e.g. Tepper and Percy (1994).

Inspirational motivation

Motivational leadership is a key focus of this research. Hospitality service jobs are
associated with low pay, long and antisocial hours, unstable and seasonal
employment and low job status (Wildes 2007: 5), as well as a lack of career
opportunities and poor levels of benefits (Olsen 1999: cited in Wildes 2007: 5).
Lee-Ross (1998a), Lundberg et al. al. (2009) and Simons (2003) have all drawn
attention to the critical requirement to address hospitality customer service
employees’ motivation in the light of such factors.

As noted above, following its initial status as a sub-set of charisma, inspirational
motivation (IM) has become established as a discrete factor in the Full-Range
Leadership Model. Avolio and Bass describe inspirational motivational leaders as

These leaders behave in ways that motivate those around them by
providing meaning and challenge to their followers' work. Individual
and team spirit is aroused. Enthusiasm and optimism are displayed.
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