leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1
The leader encourages followers to envision attractive future states,
which they can ultimately envision for themselves.
 Talk optimistically about the future
 Talk enthusiastically about what needs to be accomplished
 Articulate a compelling vision of the future
 Express confidence that goals will be achieved
Avolio and Bass (2004a: 96)

Examining this description we can see that the IM dimension is focused on
leaders’ articulation of organisational / departmental / team vision and goals, and
their provision of encouragement for employees who are working towards
achieving these goals. The IM dimension describes how transformational leaders
articulate a compelling vision and encourage employees to work towards
achieving this vision; transformational leaders are able to provide positive
challenge for employees who also experience greater levels of work meaning.

2.4.4 Transformational leadership outcomes

The Full-Range Model of transformational leadership (Figure 2 - 3 ) incorporates
three leadership outcomes factors, each of which is measured in the Multi-factor
Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (Bass and Avolio 1990; 1995; 1997):

(i) extra effort which describes employees’ raised levels of performance in seeking
to achieve organisational goals;
(ii) efficiency which reflects leaders’ and groups’ efficacy in achieving
organisational goals; and
(iii) satisfaction, which relates to employees’ satisfaction with the leader.

Extra effort and efficiency describe ways in which transformational leadership
promotes behaviour that in turn contributes to organisational or team goals
(organisational- and team-level outcomes), while employee satisfaction with their
leader describes an intra-group outcome of transformational leadership.

Although not measured in the MLQ, enhanced work meaning for followers is
discussed in Avolio and Bass’s (2004a) description of Inspirational Motivation
above and is referred to frequently in Bass and Riggio (2006: see e.g. 6, 28, 91

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