Onion, turnip, wheat grass and sea
Carrot, beetroot, tomatoes and wheat
Carrot, turnip and spinach
All juices are great with added soft hemp seeds, wheat germ, algae, alfalfa or lecithin
Limit citrus juices as they steal calcium and contain too much sugar UNLESS mixing
the pulp
back into the juice
Apple is a great flavouring and helps make most healing juices more palatable
Lemon water is an active cleanser
Never use dairy milk in your juices, it is a glue! Hemp milk is a great substitute and
mixes well
with apple and orange
You may feel pain for some time after taking juice for a known symptom. Be patient and
will pass
Sea-vegetables are great toppings to add trace elements and minerals. Kelp, nori,
wakame and
dulse are just some examples of powders that are easy additions
and non-sweet fruits. Citrus fruits are particularly useful in hot
climates. To make citrus fruits alkaline, the kidneys have to work
hard. Cold climates and sedentary work are not helpful to this
process, which is why green leafy vegetables are usually
recommended for climates such as that found in the UK.
They will help you see in the dark.' I thought this was another un-
truth I was told. However, carrots have been shown to improve
vision, and night vision in particular.
Carrots contain large amounts of beta-carotene, which is
converted into the anti-oxidant vitamin A. They also contain
vitamins C, E, B and D as well as important minerals that include
potassium, iron and phosphorous. Carrots were not so long ago
found to contain 25 times the amount of pesticides than expected.
We were warned to cut off tops and peel the skin. Sadly these
chemicals permeate throughout the food, and they are not limited
to the skin. Along with improved taste, this is another reason for