Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

Aduki help the kidneys, alfalfa are rich in vitamins and minerals,
barley is a sweet sprout that is ideal for a physically weak person.
Sprouting adds extra energy and enzymes to hemp, radish is a hot
mixing sprout that helps clear mucus. Sprouting seeds also
reduces the price of your food by trebling it in size!


Similar to clover. Soak the unhulled seed for 4 hours before
planting in a warm place (at least 65°F.). When the plant is over
1/4 inch tall, remove the cover. This is usually 2-4 days from
planting. When husks have fallen off (about one week) it is time to
harvest. If you want to juice this grass then leave it for 3-4 weeks,
else best for salads or as a snack.


Similar to watercress, unhulled seed is much preferred for better
harvest. Soak for 6-8 hours or overnight. Within about one week
husks will fall off which means it is ready for harvesting. Eat before
they turn bitter. Will keep refrigerated for four days. Great juice
mixer. Do not eat the hull.


As well as being an amazing fertiliser, young comfrey leaves make
a great green salad. Every 10 days you can harvest a crop of
10cm leaves. The stems are also full of liquid which is great as
part of a juice. Cut regularly to prevent blossom. Contains vitamin
B12 and can be used in tea.







When you sprout seeds in the light it increases the quantity of
chlorophyll. When sprouted in the dark, more B vitamins are

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