Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

minutes in total for children up to 10 years of age and no more
than 15 minutes, to start with, for healthy adults.




It has been a powerful lesson comparing children fed on the
average western diet, with children brought up on living foods,
children brought up on basic diets in the small Indian villages and
children fed only on wild live foods. It seems so obvious in
retrospect, yet millions of western parents still try to deal with a
crying, irritable child by smacking them, bribing them with toys or
sweets or blackmailing them with threats. Such methods can do
as much harm to you as to the child. Again, I am not an idealist,
sometimes these methods may be useful. However, if you do not
want to continue this cycle then a natural diet of raw fruit and
organic vegetables for the child and mother is a proven way to
steady the child. It does not take long to cleanse a young child
from toxic foods. However, if the parents have led a toxic life, then
the child will often need to de-tox from elements passed on

It is beneficial to stabilise blood sugar levels at an early
age, but in practice it will not be as easy as that. However by
stabilising the blood sugar you will notice the child has no need for
stimulation, toys or treats. I have experienced no greater joy than
being with young children playing in the jungle, forest or by the
sea or mountains. Watch a child that has never had any
processed foods or processed toys (plastic guns, fast cars etc.)
and only the company of other children. They are so alive, their
eyes are wide and awake, they need little attention from their

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