Microsoft Word - H.E.M.P Healthy Eating Made Possible - Paul Benhaim - Completed.docx

(Darren Dugan) #1

Grind the seeds to a flour in your coffee grinder and add the
rejuvelac. Continue to blend into a creamy sauce. Place in a bowl
covered with a piece of cloth or towel and leave to ferment for 12
hours in a warm place. When fermentation has taken place for
between 6 and 12 hours, mix well. Add herbs and Hempso (tm)
sauce. Cover and refrigerate.

Try cashew or walnuts instead of almonds with sage or
garlic as herbs, or mix in shredded carrot, beets or celery.




This cheese is known as homemade curds 'n' whey, Indian
Paneer or Feta Cheese

First you need to find certified, full fat raw milk. I
recommend raw (unpasteurised) goat's milk, if available.

1/2 tbsp lemon juice

570ml milk

1 lemon or tamarind or fig leaf

Fill two wide mouth jars with the milk. Add lemon or tamarind or fig
leaf. Cover the tops with cheesecloth secured with a rubber-band.
Leave somewhere warm such as by a radiator or on top of a
fridge. After 24 hours gently remove cream from the top of each
jar, being careful not to disturb the milk underneath. If cream is not
solid and ready to be removed, then wait another 24 hours. After
cream is removed, replace cheesecloth and place jar aside for 24
more hours. On the third day the milk should have the texture of
custard. Prepare a large glass gallon jar with a large piece of

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