The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

intensive cage culture 235
L. Mount Coffee 39
salinity tolerance 389
semi-intensive cage culture 220-2
temperature tolerance 35
T. heudelotii, 101
see S. melanotheron
T. joka, Guinea-Ghana coast rivers 23
T. kottae, L. Barombi ba Kotto 23
diet 144
L. Kotto 100
T. louka, Guinea-Ghana coast rivers 23
T. macrocephala, 101
see also S. melanotheron
T. margaritacea, R. Nyong 23
T. mariae, diet 4, 144
distribution 19
gill raker count 4
introductions 19, 31
L. Kotto 100
population parameters 74
teeth 4
T. multimdiata, L. Chad 23
see T. zillii
T. ogowensis, R. Ogoou6 23
T. rendalli, alkalinity tolerance 40
allopatric speciation 8
altitude and distribution 34
aquaculture 50,185
assimilation efficiency 152
assimilation and temperature 168-9
breeding behavior studies 44-5
cage culture 206
Cemtophyllum dememum a preferred
food 166
L. Chilwa 40,52
depth in L. Kariba 33
described 5
devastation followed introduction to
L. Kinkony 56
diet 144
digestion studies 342
distribution 18
distribution in L. Chilwa 52
distribution, temperature and salinity
diurnal movements in L. Kariba 53
does not school in L. Malawi 54
eats macrophytes 4 1
ecological growth efficiency in
L. Kariba 174
eggs and alevins 48
energy equation 171-2

escaped to R. Pangani 24
excretory energy loss 171
feeding cycle in L. McIlwaine 166-7
food consumption 168,172,174
growth of fry in aquaria 172
growth rates 103-5
habits 4
hybrids 12,55,102
inshore-offshore movements in
L. McIlwaine 159
introduced as 'melanopkura' 25
introductions 6,18, 24-7, 30,55-7,
kills in L. Chilwa 40
kills in R. Nampongue 40
L. Kafue 86
L. Kariba 33,53
R. Kasai 5
L. Kinkony 30,56
L. Kyoga 26
long intestine 142
R. Lualaba 19
L. Lusiwashi 24,26
merits more attention in culture 334
metabolic studies 160-73
mortality caused by Lemaea 253
L. Mwadingusha 4,48,50,73
L. Mweru 39
R. Narnpongue 40
oocyte formation 132
origin of name 4
ousted by T. zillii at Yangambi 11
in Pangani R. system 24,97
pharyngpal teeth 142
L. Pinheiro 30
pond culture 198
L. Poelela 38
population parameters 74
potential in cage culture systems 240-5
production, yield, and turnover in
natural waters 106-7
relative energy of feces greater than
that of food 169
salinity tolerance 38
satiation level 172
semi-intensive cage culture 221-4
spawning behavior 46
starvation studies 164-5
L. Tanganyika 5,19
temperature oscillations, food con-
sumption, and growth 172-4
temperature selection in a gradient
tank 158
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