The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

temperature tolerance 35,37
unable to adapt to increased pressure 32
in Valle de Cauca 30
value for food 5
vegetation control 24
L. Victoria 5,26
water content and condition 164
R. Zah 5
in the Zambezi system 5, 93-6
T. rheophila, adapted to fast flowing
rivers 32
Guinea-Ghana coast rivers 23
R. Konkoure 32
T. sparrrnanii, breeding behavior studies 44
breeding and temperature 44
depth in L. Sibaya 33
diet 144
distribution 19
eats macrophytes 41
eggs and alevins 48
habits 4
introductions 19, 31
R. Kalomo 32
L. Mweru 39
occurs naturally at lowest latitude 34
origin of name 4
salinity tolerance 38
temperature and swimming per-
formance 34
temperature tolerance 4,35,120
tuberculosis in Okavangu swamp 256
unable to adapt to increased pressure
in the Zambezi system 93-6
T. tholloni, breeding behavior studies 44
distribution 18
eats macrophytes 41
eggs and alevins 48
introduced as 'melanopleura' 25
introductions 18
laboratory studies 6
in ZaTre basin 17
T. walteri, Guinea-Ghana coast rivers 23
T. zillii, aggression and aquaculture 50
allopatric speciation 8
altitude and distribution 34
anaphylactic reaction 260
aquaculture 185
assimilation efficiency 152
Bardwil lagoon 38
Bay of Suez 38
breeding behavior studies 44-6

breeds when small 187
cage culture 206
carnivorous 4 2
L. Chad 23
competition with S. uariabilis in
L. Victoria 92
depth in L. Kainji 33
described 5
diet 144
distribution 4-5,17-8, 86
eats blue-green algae 41
eats macrophytes 41-2
ecology in various rivers and lakes 85-91
eurythermal 37
fecundity and length 132
feeding and guarding the young 43
feeding in L. Kinneret 42
in geothermal waters 31
growth rates 103-4
habits 4
L. Huleh 33
hybrids 12,56,102
immunological studies 13
introduced as 'melanopleura' 25
introductions 6, 18, 24-7, 30-1, 50,
L. Kainji 33, 50-1
L. Kinneret 34,41-3,46
L. Kitangiri 39
L. Kyoga 26
L. Manyara 39
L. Nabugabo 39
L. Naivasha 26,44-5
L. Nasser 86
origin of name 4
oustedS. variabilis in L. Victoria 50,73
ousted T. rendalli at Yangambi 11
population parameters 74
L. Qarun 38-9,42,45-6
reproduces in saline waters 122
salinity tolerance 39,124
seasonal changes in feeding 42-3
semi-intensive cage culture 223-4
in Soudanian region 85
spawning behavior in L. Kinneret 46
spawning in equatorial lakes 133
spawning in northern areas 133
spawning in L. Victoria 92
teeth 4
temperature and precocious spawning
temperature and reproduction 34
temperature and swimming per-
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