The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

L. Chala (Kenya)
S. hunteri 23,25
tilapia habitat 31
L. Chanagwara (East Africa)
length-weight data on S. niloticus 89
R. Chiloango (Zaire-Angola)
T. cabme 23
L. Chilwa (Malawi-Mozambique)
distribution of S. shimnus chilwae 52
distribution of T. rendalli 52
dries up 336
ecological studies 99
factors controlling decline in abun-
dance of fish 109
hot springs 34
mass mortalities 1965-68 99
oxygen supersaturation 4
repopulated by dwarfed survivors 99
salinity 38
S. shiranus chilwae 23,34, 38,52,99
tiapia habitat 31
tilapias in 86
L. Chiuta (Malawi-Mozambique)
S. shimvus chilwae 23
tilapia habitat 31
R. Ebo (Ghana)
T. busumana 32
L. Edward (Uganda-Zaire)
S. leucostictus 23, 87
S. leucostictus and S. niloticus overlap
schooling of S. niloticus 54
tilapias in 86
L. Ejagham (Cameroon)
T. dekerti 23
L. Gefu (Angola)
T. gefuensis 23
L. George (Uganda)
apparently inefficient 109
breeding size of S. niloticus 336
decline in size at first maturity of
S. niloticus 90
diet of S. niloticus 176
digestion studies with S. niloticus 146
effect of fishing on S. niloticus 88,90
feeding studies 43
food consumption of S. niloticus 168
IBP study 108-9
inshore distribution of juveniles 175
length-weight data on S. niloticus 88-9
massive fish kills 109
S. leucostictus 21,23,51,87,109
S. leucostictus and S. niloticus overlap

S. niloticus 21,40,43, 51,90,109,
tilapias in 86
tilapia production, yield, and turnover
very high primary production 109
L. Giuletti, see L. Afrera
L. Guinas (S.W. Africa)
T. guinasana 23
Guinea-Ghana coast rivers
S. caudomarginatus 23
S. tanganicae 23
S. tournieri 23
T. brevimanus 23
T. coffea 23
T. joka 23
T. louka 23
T. rheophila 23
T. walteri 23
L. Gunao (Philippines)
extensive cage culture 216
L. Huleh (Israel)
most northerly natural occurrence
of tilapias 33
T. zillii 33
L. Ilopango (El Salvador)
semi-intensive cage culture 223-4
L. Itasy (Madagascar)
introductions and altitude 36
S. macrochir and S. niloticus hybrid:
S. niloticus 28
L. Jipe (Kenya)
problems of speciation 332
S. girigan 23, 25
S. jipe 23, 25
S. pangani girigan 97
Kafue floodplain (Zambezi system)
area 121,000 ha 1
growth rate of tilapias 103-4
production, yield, and turnover
of tilapias 106-7
L. Kafue (Zambezi system, man-made)
S. andersonii 86
S. macrochir 86
T. rendalli 86
R. Kafue (Zambezi system)
indigenous species 93
S. macrochir used to stock L. Kariba
tilapias in 86
L. Kainji (Nigeria, man-made)
biomass in the littoral zone 51
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