The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1
formance 34
temperature tolerance 33-5, 37
L. Turkana 5
Ubangi-Uele system 17

will not reproduce in seawater 122
in L. Victoria 5,26,91-3
L. Volta 86-7
Zaire basin 17

Water Bodies Index

This index includes the principal entries for named dams, floodplains, lagoons, lakes,
reservoirs, rivers, river systems and swamps.

L. Afrera (= Giulietti) (eastern Ethiopia)
S. fmnchettii 7
L. Albert ( Uganda-ZaTre)
dwarf populations of S. niloticus 87
S. leucostictus 23
length-weight data on S. niloticus 89
tilapia habitat 31
tiiapias in 86
T. guineensis 39
T. zillii 4, 5
see also Buhuku lagoon, Tonya lagoon
L. Bangweulu (Zambia)
introductions and altltude 36
tilapia habitat 31
Bardawil lagoon (Sinai)
hypersaline habitat 38
T. aureus 38
T. zillii 38
L. Barombi Mbo (Cameroon)
ecological studies 100
recent evolution of tilapias 331
S. caroli 8,23,100
S. linnellii 8, 23, 100
S. lohbetgeri 23,100
S. steinbachi 23,100
sympatric speciation 8
tilapia habitat 31
tiiapias in 86
L. Barombi ba Kotto (Cameroon)
T. kottae 23
tilapia habitat 31
Barotse floodplain (Zambia)
growth rate of tilapias 103-4
R. Bengo (Angola)
S. angolensis 23
T. cabme 23
L. Bemin (Cameroon)
T. bemini 23

L. Bosumtwi (Ghana)
breeding of S. multifasciatus 46
breeding of T. busumana 46
breeding of T. discolor 46
depth distribution of T. discolor 33
depth distribution of S. multifasciatus
depth distribution of T. busumana 33
feeding studies 43
fish communities 99
introductions and altitude 36
S. galilaeus multifasciatus 23
S. multifasciatus 43, 53
seasonal changes in distribution of
tiiapia 53
T. busumana 23,32,43,53
T. discolor 23,43,53
tilapia habitat 31
tilapias in 86
Buhuku lagoon (Lake Albert)
length-weight data on S. niloticus 88-9
L. Bunot (Philippines)
extensive cage culture 216-7
L. Bunyoni (Uganda)
introductions 26,36
hybrids 102
R. Buzi (Mozambique)
S. macrochir 25
L. Calibato (Philippines)
cage culture and planning 239
extensive cage culture 216
L. Chad (Chad)
growth rate of tilapias 103-4
S. galilaeus the common species 85
tiiapias in 86
T. multiradiata (= T. zillii) 23
T. zillii 23
tilapia habitat 31
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