The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

tilapias in 86
R. Ruvuma (Mozambique)
S. ruvumae 23
L. St. Lucia (SE African coast)
S. mossambicus 29
wide range of salinity 39
L. Sampaloc (Philippines)
cage culture and planning needs 239
extensive cage culture 216-7
extensive cage culture now controlled
R. Sanaga (Cameroon)
S. sanagaensis 23
T. cameronensis 23
R. Senegal (Mali-Senegal)
tilapia habitat 31
R. Serang (Java)
first accidental introduction of S.
mossambicus 25
R. Shire (Malawi-Mozambique)
absence of tiiapias where current is
fast 52
distribution of S. mossambicus 52
S. shimnus shiranus 23
L. Sibaya (South Africa)
adaptive response of S. mossambicus
breeding of S. mossambicus 45
breeding sites and water level 336
depth distribution of S. mossambicus
depth distribution of T. sparrmanii 33
diurnal movements of S. mossambicus
ecological studies on S. mossambicus
food quality studies with S. mossam-
bicus 153
growth rates of S. mossambicus 103-5
home range and homing of S. mossam-
bicus 55
inshore distribution of juveniles 175
predation on S. mossambicus 338
S. mossambicus 33,42,45,47,52-3,
55, 75-7, 86,96-7, 103-5,153,
spawning behavior of S. mossambicus
4 7
T. sparrmanii 33
R. Sokoto (Nigeria)
home range of S. galilaeus 55
home range of S. niloticus 55
L. Tana (Ethiopia)

introductions and altitude 36
S. niloticus 36
tilapia habitat 31
L. Tanganyika
depth distribution of S. tanganicae 33
S. niloticus 19
S. tanganicae 23, 33
T. rendalli 5,19
tilapia habitat 31
Teso dams (Uganda)
introduction of T. zillii and S. leucos-
tictus 73, 91
Tonya lagoon (Lake Albert)
length-weight data on S. niloticus 89
R. Thalamakane (Botswana)
S. mossambicus 95
L. Tumba (Zaire)
low mineral content 39
pH low 40
T. congica 39-40
tilapia habitat 31
L. Turkana (Rudolf) (Kenya)
dwarf population of S. niloticus 87
length-weight data on S. nilotlcus 88-9
S. niloticus 87-8
tilapias in 86
T. zillii 5
R. Turkwel (Kenya)
S. niloticus taken from a hot spring 37
Uaso Nyiro system (Kenya)
S. spilurus percivali occurs in hot
springs 34
Ubangi-Uele system (Zaire)
S. galilaeus and T. zillii 17
R. Upper Zah (ZaTre)
T. rendalli 5
L. Valencia (Venezuela)
assimilation studies with S. mossam-
bicus 154-5
digestion studies with S. mossambicus
feeding studies with S. mossambicus
S. mossambicus 147-9,154-5
L. Victoria (Uganda)
area 1
breeding of S. esculentus 44,46
breeding of S. variabilis 44,46
competition for breeding grounds 92
depth distribution of S. esculentus 33
depth distribution of S. variabilis 33
dispersal of female S. variabilis 54-5
diurnal movements of S. variabilis 53
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