The Biology and Culture of Tilapias

(Sean Pound) #1

ecology of various tiiapias 91-3
growth rates of tiiapias 103
home range of S. esculentus 55
home range of S. variabilis 55
hybridization 12,56,91,102
introductions 5,24,26,36,55,91
S. esculentus 8,21,23,26,33,44,46,
S. niloticus 26,56, 91-3,102
S. variabilis 8,21,23,26,41,50,52,
schooling of S. esculentus 54
schooling of S. variabilis 54
semi-intensive cage culture 223-4
spatial segregation of tilapias 92
sympatric speciation 8
tilapias in 86
T. zillii 5,12,26,50,73,91-3
T. zillii believed to hybridize with
T. rendalli 12
T. zillii surplanted S. variabilis 50,73
tilapia habitat 31
L. Volta (Ghana, man-made)
S. galilaeus dominant 87
S. niloticus 87
tilapias in 86
T. zillii 87
West African lagoons
S. melanotheron 86
ZaFre basin (Zaire)

a hostile environment to microphagous
cichlids 17
Sam therodon absent 17
T. rendalli and T. sparrmanii 19
T. tholloni and T. zillii 17
R. ZaIke (rnre)
S. macmchir in Upper river 18
T. rendalli and T. zillii 5
Zarnbezi basin
escape of S. mossambicus 24
R. Zambezi
breeding of S. mortimeri 45
distribution of S. andemonii 18-9
distribution of S. macrochir 18
distribution of S. mortimeri 18
ecology of various tilapia 93-6
indigenous species in Upper R. 93
S. andersonii 18-9,93-6
Lower, tilapias in 86
S. macrochir 18,21,93-6
S. mortimeri 18, 93-6
S. mossambicus 25,96, 332
Middle, tilapias in 86
T. rendalli 5,93-6
T. sparrmanii 93-4
tilapia habitat 31
Upper, tilapias in 86
Zimbabwe eastern highland lakes
introductions 24
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