(Sean Pound) #1


There are no schools or colleges in this district endowed by
the Circar. The teachers in the schools are paid monthly by the
scholars at various rates from 4 annas to 1 rupee each. The
Shastras, etc., are usually taught privately to Bramins. The
statement is not complete in respect to the Hill Zemindaries from
which satisfactory accounts could not be procured.


It does not appear that there are any colleges in this
district. The schools are not endowed by the public; 2 only are
stated to receive a payment from the Zemindar of Chamoodoo at
the rate of 50 rupees annually. The teachers are paid at various
rates from one anna to 1 rupee for each scholar per mensem.
Private teachers in families of respectability are paid a monthly
or yearly stipend according to their acquirement and the rank
and opulence of their employer.


Some of the schools in this district are endowed by the
public. The teachers are paid by the scholars at rates varying
from 1 rupee to 2 annas, 7 annas being the average rate per
mensem. The scholars are entered at school in their fifth year
and continue at their studies from 5 to 7 years. The number of
professors or teachers of the Sciences is 279; of these 69 possess
allowances in land and 13 in money granted by former
Zemindars; 196 teach their scholars without fee or reward and
only one is supported by his scholars. In the villages in which no
schools at present exist the inhabitants are desirous of having
them established. It might be done with a small contribution
from government to the pay of the teachers. The Collector
considered 2 rupees a month to each to be sufficient.


None of the institutions for the purpose of education in this
district appear to have been regularly endowed. One Charity
School only is supported at Ellore by the Zemindar by the
payment of a monthly stipend of 3 pagodas to the teacher. The
scholars usually enter in the schools in their 5th year and
continue in them until they are from 12 to 16 years of age. The
greater proportion are then employed on public or private

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