(Sean Pound) #1

business, the Vedika Bramins only being removed from schools
to college for the purpose of being instructed in Theology and
other Sciences. The charges on account of a boy at school are
about the average of 6 annas for paper, cadjan, etc., and from 4
annas to 2 rupees to the school master monthly. The Sciences
are taught in the colleges generally gratis by Bramins holding
Mauniums, etc. Some teachers, however, are supported by
contributions from their scholars but receive no fixed allowance.
The average charge to a scholar at college for his subsistence,
books, etc., is 60 rupees per annum. In most parts of the
country instruction in the Vedas, etc., is also given by the
Bramins privately. The schools in which the Persian language is
taught are few. Mussulman scholars remain at school from 6
years of age to 15, the pay of the teachers is from ¼ to 1 rupee
and the other charges of the scholars are estimated at 4 annas a
month; some learned Mussulmans give instruction gratis.


There are no schools in this district endowed by the public
and no colleges for instruction in the Sciences. The Sciences are
taught privately by learned Bramins without any remuneration.
These Bramins generally hold mauniums, etc., granted by the
ancient Zemindars and by the former governments for various
reasons, but there is no instance of any grant in money or land,
specially for the purpose of maintaining teachers of the Sciences.
The charge for the education of a boy at school varies from 2
annas to 2 rupees monthly. Three rupees a month is requisite
for the subsistence of a scholar while he is studying the


This statement gives the number of schools in the district
not endowed by the public. There are besides 26 individuals who
have scholars as shown by a separate statement B viz. 15
Bramins, and 11 Mussulmans who are in possession of
allowances in money and land granted by the Carnatic
Government for teaching the Vedas, etc., and Arabic and Persian
respectively to the amount of rupees 1,467 per annum. Boys are
generally sent to school at 5 years of age where they are said to
remain from 3 to 6 years. The school master receives from 2
annas to 4 rupees monthly for each scholar. The scholar has
also to pay about one rupee for writing materials, etc., and his
subsistence is estimated at 3 rupees a month. Besides his fixed
allowance occasional presents are made by the scholars to their

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