I ntroductiorl
- It is recommended to Muslims that they offer a pnyer for the Prophet
whenever his name is mentioned. Therefore, the formula "Sal/a Alfahu alay-
hi IVa lalla"''' (May God's peace and blessings be upon him) usually fonaws
the Prophet's name whenever it appears in classical biographies. Since the
p resent hook is addressed to a wide audience, both Muslim and non-Muslim,
we shall abstain from mentioning it in the text, and let the Muslim reader
personally and inwardly formulate this prayer as he or she reads. - Quran, 18:110.
- Quran,33:21.
- Haclith reported by aI-Bukhari.
- Quran,3:31.
6. Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah Qn-Nabawiyyab (Beirut: Dar al-Jil, n.d.), 6:75--76.
7. Quean, 3:1 44.
Chapter 1: Encounter with the Sacred
L Quran, 2:156.
- Quran, 22:78.
- Genesis, 15:5 (Revised Standard Version),
- Genesis, 17:20.
- Genesis, 21:17-19.
- Quran,14:37- 39.