In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

220 Notu to Pagu 29-39

Chapter 4: Revt/ation, K110wledge

  1. Quran, 96:1-5.

  2. Hadith reported by Aishah and authenticated by a1-Bukhari and Muslim.

  3. Ibid.

  4. In the above-quoted hadith, Aishah reports that they went together, where-
    as Ibn Hisham (As-Sirah an-Nabau'flyab [Beirut: Dar al-JiI, n.d.], 2:73) states
    that she first went alone, and that Waraqah ibn Nawfal met the Prophet later.

  5. Ibn Hisham, .A.s-Sirah an-NabalJiiy;·oh, 2:73-74.

  6. Ibid., 2;74.

  7. Hadith reported by Aishah and authenticated by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

  8. Quran, 2:31.

  9. "Your Lord said to the angels: '1 will certainly establish a vicegerent [khali-
    fah] on earth'" (Quran, 2:30).
    to. Quean, 68:1--6. This surah is often classified as the second in the chronolog-
    ical order of Revelation.

  10. Hadith reported by Aishah and authenticated by aI-Bukhari and Muslim.

  11. Quran, 74:1-5.

  12. Al-Bukhari,91:1.

  13. Quran, 93:1-5.

  14. They all died when Muhammad was still alive, except for Fatimah, who died
    six months after him.

  15. And the mother of all his children, except for Ibrahim, whom Muhammad
    had with the Copt /l.hriyah and who also died in infancy.

  16. In a hadith reported by al-Bukhari (1:1), Ibn Abbas relates the painful char-
    acter of the moment of Revelation: " T he Messenger of God tried to
    appease the suffering occasioned by Revelation" by moving his lips, hence
    the verses "Do not move your tongue concerning the [Quran] to make haste
    with it. It is for Us to collect it and to recite it. But when We have recited it,
    follow its recital" (Quean, 75:16-18).

Cbapler 5: Tbe Message and Adversity

  1. Quran, 26:214.

  2. Ibn Hisham, As·Sirah an-Naba"f1yoh (Beirut: Dar al-Jil, n.d.), 2:98-99.

  3. Because of this status, the Quran answered him in a later Revelation, using
    the same formula with the additional aesthetic power of assonance and can·
    sonance in the Arabic words: 'Tabat yada Abi u habin wotabn (let the hands
    of Abu Lahab perish, let him perish). Quean, 111:1.

  4. Quran, 15:94.

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