226 Nwu Iv PIIgU 113-115
to. Hadnh reported h)' :II-Bukhan and Muslim.
11. Hadnh reported by aI-Bukhan.
- Hadith reported by Muslim.
- H adllh reported by al-Bayhagi.
- A bench had been set up for them ncar the mosque. Some co mmentators,
looking for the origin o f lh e word SNji, have linked it 10 those "hi 01-S4l0/),
some o f whom had deliberately chosen to be poor and withdraw from the
.... 'Odd, its desires, and its possesSIOns. - Hadith hassan (reliable) reported by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhl.
- Hadllh reported by Abu Dawud and an-Nasal.
- Ibn f-ilsham. AISif"4h iln-NabolilJah (Beirut: D ar al-JIl, n.d.), 2: 112.
- As 11.111 Hi~ham pumts OUI, lhe fint eighty "cues of the surah "Ala Imran"
( me Family of [rnTan) deal with this encounter and morc generally discuss
respective positions about God, messages, and commands. - Qur:m, 3:1-4.
- Qurnn, 3:64.
2 1. Ibn Hlsharn. As-Siroh tm-Nabau!Jyah. 2: 11 4. - Quran. 2:256.
- QUrRn, 49: 13.
- The Arabic form laarofll, used in the verse, expr~sses m u tual knowledge
based on a honzont1l, equal rciaooDshlP- - Quran, 5:82.
- H adith reponed by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
- H ad llh reported by al-Bukhllr1.
- H adilh reported br lli-Bukhllri and iI.-tuslim.
- H adilh reported by aJ-Bukhan and Muslim (according to another version, h~
concealed her with his cloak so that she could wa:ch their gunes). - Quran, 2 4:31 and 33: 5 9.
- Hadlth reponed by Muslim.
- H adith reported by 1luslim.
- Quran, 24: 11 -26.
- Haduh reponed by al-Bukhan and il.lustim.
- H adilh reported by Muslim. This referred to Aishah, whose skin was very
white. Another version says: "Tak~ half rour religion ffOm thLS red-colored
young woman." - Ib n I hsham, AsS/roh a,,-Naba»ilJah. 4:30.
- Another '"CfSlon rd..:Hes that \'\:'ahshi brought her Harnzah's liver, and th:H she
then .... ·ent to look for hIS bod)' On the battlefield md disfigured it. - QUl"lIn, 16:126.