In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

Notes to Pl1{P 99-" )^225

  1. Quran, 2:144.

  2. Uthman ibn Affan would later, after r-.luhammad's death, become the third

  3. lbn Hisham, A I-Siroh an-Naballi.rJah (Beirut: D ar aI-Jil, n.d.), 3: 16 1.

  4. Ibid., 3:162.

  5. Hadith reported by aI-Bukhari and i.\ Juslim.

  6. Hadith reported by Muslim in Muhammad Nasr ad-Din aI-Albani, Al-Jami
    al-Saghir UYJ Zfyadah, 2nd d. (Beirut: al-Maktab aI-lslami, 1988), 2 :948.

  7. Hadith reponed by al-Bukhari,

  8. Ibn Hisham, AsSiroh an.Nabau"!Jyah, 3:167.

  9. lbid., 3:175.

  10. Authentic hadith reported by aI-Mundhiri. See aI-Albani, AI-Jami a.sSaghir U'll
    2 !.)"adah, 2:955.

  11. J-ladith repnrted br al-Bukhari and Muslim.
    1 7. Quran, 3:123.

  12. According to some accounts, it was Mughirah ibn al-Harith, an o rdinary sol-
    dier in the Quraysh army, and no t Abu Sufyan.

  13. Quran, 111. Abu Lahab is the only person who is condemned by name in
    the Q uran.

  14. Quran, 8:6 7 -68.

  15. Q uran, 8:1.

  16. Quean, 8:58.

  17. Quran, 8:61.

  18. Quran,8:67.

  19. Quran, 8:57.

Chapter 10: Teaching! and Difeal

  1. Hadith reported by aI-Bukhari and Muslim.

  2. H adith reported by al-Bukhari.

  3. Hadith reported by i\l uslim.

  4. H adith reported by al-Bukhari.

  5. H adith reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
    6, Hadith reported by aI-Bukhari and Muslim.

  6. Hadith reported by aI-Bukhan.

  7. According to one version, he brought some dates. Another narrator, called
    Abd ar. Rahman, said that he did no t know what kind of food it was.

  8. Hadith reponed by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

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