In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

228 Nolf! to Pagp 144-167

  1. T hey did not pray al-asr until the last evening prayer (al·isha).
    31. Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Nabawiy),ab, 4:198.

  2. Jewish law, implemented in war and victory situations, stated: "And when the
    Lord your God gives it into your hand you shall put all its males to tht
    sword; but the women and the littk ones, the cattle, and everything else in
    the city, all its spoil, you shill take as booty for yourselves" (Dtuttronomy
    33. Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Nabawiy,'ah, 4:205.

Chapter 12: A Dream, Peace

  1. Eight to Nrenty cycles of prayer, according to tht various schools of Islamic
    law and jurisprudence, performed after the last evening prayer (al-isha) and
    during which all of the Quran so far re vealed was recited.

  2. The umrah, the lesser pilgrimage, can be done at any time during the year,
    whereas the h1if can be done only during one specific ptriod ~ach year.

  3. Ibn Hisham, AsSirah an.NabaltiJyah (Beirut: D ar al-Jil, n.d.) , 4: 283.

  4. Quran, 48: 18.

  5. Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-NabalJ'iXYah, 4:284.

  6. Ibid., 4:285.

  7. Ibid., 4:287.

  8. Quran, 48:1.

  9. Quran, 48:18.

  10. Quran, 48 :27.

  11. Ibn Hisham, As-5irah an-Nabaw!J:;ah, 4:291.

  12. Abu Jandal, whom we mentioned above, was one of them.

  13. l\Iariyah was to give the Prophet a son, Ibrahim, who died in infancy, to
    tIuhammad's great sorrow (see the next chapter).

Chapter 13: Coming Home

  1. He was the son of former slave Zayd ibn Harithah, whom the Prophet had
    long considered as his adoptive son.

  2. Quran, 4:94.

  3. Quran,9:84.

  4. As far as Abdullah ibn U bayy is conctrned, some traditions note that he had
    changed and that the above-quoted verse did not apply to him. Al-Bukhari

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