228 Nolf! to Pagp 144-167
- T hey did not pray al-asr until the last evening prayer (al·isha).
31. Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Nabawiy),ab, 4:198. - Jewish law, implemented in war and victory situations, stated: "And when the
Lord your God gives it into your hand you shall put all its males to tht
sword; but the women and the littk ones, the cattle, and everything else in
the city, all its spoil, you shill take as booty for yourselves" (Dtuttronomy
33. Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Nabawiy,'ah, 4:205.
Chapter 12: A Dream, Peace
- Eight to Nrenty cycles of prayer, according to tht various schools of Islamic
law and jurisprudence, performed after the last evening prayer (al-isha) and
during which all of the Quran so far re vealed was recited. - The umrah, the lesser pilgrimage, can be done at any time during the year,
whereas the h1if can be done only during one specific ptriod ~ach year. - Ibn Hisham, AsSirah an.NabaltiJyah (Beirut: D ar al-Jil, n.d.) , 4: 283.
- Quran, 48: 18.
- Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-NabalJ'iXYah, 4:284.
- Ibid., 4:285.
- Ibid., 4:287.
- Quran, 48:1.
- Quran, 48:18.
- Quran, 48 :27.
- Ibn Hisham, As-5irah an-Nabaw!J:;ah, 4:291.
- Abu Jandal, whom we mentioned above, was one of them.
- l\Iariyah was to give the Prophet a son, Ibrahim, who died in infancy, to
tIuhammad's great sorrow (see the next chapter).
Chapter 13: Coming Home
- He was the son of former slave Zayd ibn Harithah, whom the Prophet had
long considered as his adoptive son. - Quran, 4:94.
- Quran,9:84.
- As far as Abdullah ibn U bayy is conctrned, some traditions note that he had
changed and that the above-quoted verse did not apply to him. Al-Bukhari