In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

l\r",u 10 PaUl 168-182 229

reports a hadith (23, 78) stating that the Prophet had a particular attitude
toward him because of his attitude tov."1lrd his uncle Abbas. impties he
had changed, and his conversion seemed sincere in the last momen ts of his
life. Whatever the faces may be in reality, what remains is the depth of the
teaching we have tried to point OUt.

  1. Hadith reported by 1Iuslim.

  2. Mariyah became the Prophet's concubine, a practice that Islamic t eachings
    accepted, while they were proceeding by stages, but ver y d earl>', toward the
    cessation of slavery.

  3. Quran, 66:t; sec also the whole of surah 66.

  4. Quran, 33:28-29.

  5. Q uran, 66:10-11.

  6. The major pilgrimage, ai·hi!fj, is the fifth pillar of Islam. Every Muslim must
    go to Mecca at leaSt once in her o r his life, during specific days o f the month
    o f Dhu aHlijjah.
    II. According to some traditionists, twelve men were killed.
    1 2. Ibn H isham, As-Sirah an·Naball'!Jyah (Beirut: Dar al-J il, n.d.), 5:31.

  7. Ibid., 5:59.

  8. Ibid., 5:66.

  9. Quran, 48:1-4.

  10. Quran, 17 :81.
    1 7. Quran, 42 :11.

  11. Ibn H isham, A s-Siroh on-NabauiJyah, 5:73.

  12. Quran, 49 :13.

  13. Ibn Hisham, As-Siroh an.Nabaul!Jyah, 5:74.
    2 1. Ibid.

  14. Quran, 12 :92.

  15. Ibn Hisham, hSirah an·Nabaui1:Jah, 5:74.

  16. Q u ran, 17:15.

  17. Ibn Hisham, As-S;,ah an·NabaJlWah, 5: 96.

Chapter 14: AI Home, Ot'erTbm

  1. Quran, 22:40.

  2. Quran, 22: 4 1.

  3. Most of those Meccans had recem])' embraced I slam, but o thers, such as
    Suhayl or Safwan, fought along with the Muslims at Huna),n without having
    become Muslims.

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