In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad

(Martin Jones) #1

Nota to Paga 211-215 233

In History,jor Eternity

  1. Quran, 33:21.

  2. Hadith reported byal-Bayhagi.

  3. Quran, 58:1.

  4. Several women came to him asking for divorce (lehul), for instance Jamilah
    bint Ubayy ibn Salul, Habibah bint Sahl al-Ansariyyah, Barirah, and Thabit
    ibn Qays's wife. In this last case, Ibn Abbas recounts that Thabit's wife came
    to the Prophet and told him that she had nothing to reproach her husband
    with as far as religion was concerned, but that she did not want to be guilty
    of infidelity regarding Islam (by failing to respect his rights as a husband or
    betraying him through her thoughts or behavior). The Prophet asked her
    whether she was willing to return the garden that he had given her as dowry,
    and she accepted. The Prophet then asked Thabit to accept the separation
    (hadith reportt:d by al-Bukhari).

  5. This is found in a hadith reported by Ahmad. In another hadith reported by
    al-Bukhari, an-Nasai, and Ibn Majah, the Prophet is said to have simply can-
    celed a marriage contract established without the woman's consent.

  6. "Sometimes," the Prophet had said, "I prepare for prayer, intending to make
    it last, but when [during prayer] I hear a child cry, I shorten it for fear of dis-
    tressing his mother" (hadith reported by Abu Dawud).

  7. "AI·amr bil·maruf wa an-nal!J an a/-munkar" (sec, e.g., Quran, 22:41).

  8. Hadith reported by Ibn Majah.

  9. Hadith reported by al-Bukhari.

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