Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
vi. Prayers & Worship

ïÊئدت، ǘڳ ،وÄÔâ ðtëئïè íïـæ èـ

.ðº êóÄj ëئز Ä×ë Ùبئدت، اÇئن

( 2 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

A drop of love is precious, yearning is martyrdom

We are to worship, He is to bless us.

ڳئïå’ðóن، نðóÂì~” íë ð ́ ،òئô}! ئ́ئó’ô}

ڏóئò، qÇئڻ Ā ،êôïéÇ را́ ðôن ن ðôŠÇ

.ن ÀبÄو ــ،ـÂì¦ jـ óئر ،òئôÇ ـبئح Íـ

( 2 داμÇئن ،اڳÄóÄÇ ÄÇ)

O’ steerman! You cannot be having both the ends

you are asleep near the helm entire night

tomorrow you shall be questioned about your deeds.

!وÄÈóو êôîو çº ، ڏا́ ئر åـí ڏوري

.اوòμm ¦Âëðp ðڻìp ، ôÊðîئر ¹ئðî ðôqî

( 6 داμÇئن ،اڳÄóÄÇ ÄÇ)

Seek to find Allah, sit not in ignorance

Always be vigilant as the lightening may flash at any time.

،êôئë وÈóئÂë íë ،êôxqë ـo Çـ ð˜ë

!êôئìÇ Çئ €ئëئêô ،êôïـ Çئèـ اômئò ئ˜ôº
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