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(Rick Simeone) #1
!êôïéÇ را́ ðôن نðôŠÇ ºئê ـئêô؟ èـ —ðه ـðڙي èـ

( 6 داμÇئن ،اڳÄóÄÇ ÄÇ)

Neither the stars rest nor the rivers stop flowing

Taking it comfortably whatever comes before you

how can you assess your worth, sleeping the entire night?

ðìÇاري، Íئ½ا ò} ۾، ـ³،ِmـ }ئòïëھ ـòـ˜ـِ îـِ

îئ—ئري، òئøî èئن، ،íدرóئî ـê،îـِ òtë د

.—Äي ـòÇـ،ـôئـِ ـμـ،ـ’ِ Çـ ́ ئري، ́ Äازو

( 2 داμÇئن ،اڳÄóÄÇ ÄÇ)

On one end man proposes

on the other end the Master disposes

He would help the boat cross the river

keeping it afloat

and would help us reach a safe place!

Íئ½ا، òxÇ ò} ۾، ³m òïëئ} ò˜î

،ا»Ù ðº آòs اي èئن، ـê —ـ اوòïë —ي

.èئن }ئر —ئري ا }‘ا êºھ Çبا، ðº Çئئêôھ اي

On one end the man proposes( 2 داμÇئن ،اڳÄóÄÇ ÄÇ)

on the other end the Lord takes a decision

Extricating from the deep eddy is his miracle

Only He has the power to save

the drowning from the deep sea.
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