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(Rick Simeone) #1
اÄμóي، ò»— íë Žìë ، ºئڳ òƒ ا !ـμئ Çـ

.ƒئò íë يÂì— ن Žìë ـïئڳ،، Çـ ـÔæئòë Çـ

( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)

O’ sleeping one! Awake, sleep not that much,

One can obtain no Sovereign Beloved just by sleeping.

اÄμóي، ò»— íë Žìë ، ºئڳ ò— ، íïéـ Çـ ò—


.ðôëئ€ Çئڻíïô ð ́ ðº ، èئڳ ðº èئë»ïئÂëي ي§ا

( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)

You may sleep or wake up for some time

but sleep not too much

This world, which you consider

as a permanent abode

is just an afternoon dwelling.

،òp êº !ادا آòî ، ƺ ï»ìèئن ºئڳڳ

،Ɨ æâا è„ئن ،òئm ÞôÔå ،ðº òî÷

.mئò ÂôÇ Çئڻ، Íب¼ ، و،س —»ئن !ورíë

( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)

O’ Brother! They, who keep awake deserve appreciation

“They get the rust removed from their hearts,” says Latif

Get up early and make efforts as soon as you can.

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