،òº êóÄj njئر Ä ،¦ئóÂëÄÇ íë ـòμ Çـ
.اî ھêóÂìڻî ïsڻئ ،¦ئóÂìóو ـòِîئèـو
( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)
Sleep will not benefit you, remember the Beloved
The life will pass away, and you will repent a lot.
،êôئæ òÈj !ðرا ـðن، ́ ـ òº ðرڙðóن، ́ ئن òî
.òæôî نðóÂìóا ð ́ òº ،نðôڻïs }ـðôن را́ ðôن
( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)
O’ Simple man!
You make error of counting these few nights
Other nights that you shall pass alone
would be numerous.
،ðô ئò وôº !نðóôº Çئڙو، ـïéڻئن Çـ
.ðóÄôبë ìë ð»ìïìـ èـ jئڙو، êôÇ êóÄj
O’ friends! I have suffered a lot ( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)
due to sleep
which has deprived me from my Beloved’s company.
،vqë ôئ ôïºڻئ ،òئs رات ،òx Äjه
.اî ھêóÂìڻî ïsڻئ وٽ، ويھ !îئري
( 3 داμÇئن ،Äîڏ ÄÇ)
The dawn has appeared, the night has passed