vii. Spirituality & Divinity
و،ر،ق ðº ـð îـ ،نðè ـØـÔئåـِ èـ ـ،ـðô
،ðº Íئل،و
ِ}ـ ن، ð ́ ئò نð ́ ۾ êïì ́
.يÄμôº ò×¾ـ،ـå íë ÷ت ـò
( 5 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
Eventually when I read the page of my union
I found you and only you therein
there was absolutely nothing else in it.
، ـ»ـ،ـêïِ }ـ íë òº ـðن }ـ،ـïـ ي، ِـ،ـôî ـòμھ ـ ا،pـ،ـÄ،
ِـ ðه
.يڳئåـ،ـï ِ ـڻئئò Çـ ـòÇـ،ــِ ،́ ـ،ـê òp ـبð
( 5 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
If by the first word, they don't understand
nothing would be achieved by narrating the whole story.
۾، بðæâ êô êî ، êîj ئ ðôîj
.و́ Äا ورائêô و،رق ºئê ، êîm ڏوه، jئڻئن
( 5 داμÇئن ôæئڻ، êéó ÄÇ)
( 5
They read and read over again
but digest not in their hearts
They commit more sins
even after turning pages after pages.