Whatever is written on the forehead
shall not be set aside
You have to endure
what Allah has written in the destiny.
۾، æâــ،ـç، ،حðå ن ðôqå ،نðóÄμôº ـòμºـِ
.ن آئðô ïsئر،ڻ ن ðóïsِ ن، ðóÄμô ́ òμ ́
Whatever moments have been ( 5 داμÇئن ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
in the destiny
One has to pass those moments herein.
،ðïéـ Çـ ـç،ِºـ !نðóôº ،¦ðî òوóÄóئڻ ،ìـëـِ
.ðóÄ وائ ۾ و،ر،ن ،¦ðj êئôº ن ðè μèئن
( 5 داμÇئن ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
Sleep is an enemy, O' my sisters!
Go not to sleep
lest like me, you may have to wander
amidst the treachrous mountains.
، و،ٿ وڏي ر،Âëðs èئڻïئêô، ـêôـ،ـìـِ ـêôِـ،ـìـ
.ðº ـð،ر Çـ ò» ðwئÇ ، sـ،ـÄ،ٿ ðsڏ ي
( 6 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
For some persons grief is a precious commodity
One should be ready to bargin for grief.