، ðåڀ ي lـå÷ ،وÄë ò نðôtìë Ç
.ئò íë يÂì ن وìë ،،ڀðÇ êôÇ ئنóÄôkÇ
( 2 داμÇئن ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
Move out without possessions
forsaking all desires and greed
You can have no success in your love
just by remaining asleep and static.
îـ íë ـ³îـِ ëـ،ـئ
،ڳئل ِ يÂìÇ يھڳðر ئ ،
ِـμـ jـ،ـïـ ،êô
.òp ،تðî ـò ـμـِ jـ،ـïـ ½ئل ،èئل ـò
( 2 μئنداÇ ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
Those laden with desires
bear piousness neither here nor there
Wealth doesn't but love does help you meet the beloved.
وک،، êôæî òڻð ́ ،êóÄ و÷ڙون òڻð ́
.ئò íë ØóئÐ ذرو ،،oå ï»ìèئن òئqå
( 5 داμÇئن ÃÚèوري، ÄÇ)
Whether you go fast or at the normal pace
not a bit short of destined shall be obliterated.