.۾ وچ واديھ اòïëھ ـئئ، îـ ئò ـبئب ½ـ
( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
They died disgruntled, they did not die as experts
Like a sparrow they picked up
tiny grains with their beaks
They were like bubbles in this valley (world).
jـ و،ـ،ـڳ ،òp و،ـ،ـڳ، ر،س ـòو،ـِ
ِåـ ـئ¦،ِåـ jئڻ ðåئن
ِåـ jـ،ـڳ ـئئن
.ن ð ́ ¹ôـ
( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Go and reach the journey
embarrass even the journeying ones
Hide yourself from the public
and do hide from the hidden as well.
،،نð ـòåـِ ـئنِåـ ،ðـÇـ،ــِ ـòåـِ ðåئن
.òº ڳئíïå ـòxھåـِ ا ن،ا اون،، ò{óو ò
( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Every body hides from the public
but none can hide from the hidden
Every person is apprehensive
about this scheme of things.