ِÇـ ،،ت½،و ن، ðº Óـ،ـæـ،ـا، òº ن ́ ـ،ـÂìو
،و،ـ،ـê ـÄ،
-- ـíåـــ، כ،óـــÄـ،ـÊ،÷ ِ و،½Â،ه ++
ر،ڳـ راڳ ðîا ،
ِـμئئـ Çـ òÇ
.ـòºـِ ن ِ ا ـبئد،ت،Ùـِ ،ìـëـِ ،ºئڳـ،ـê ـò
( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
The divine seeking chords always vibrate
for the oneness of Allah
They do sing: “Allah is one and without a partner”
They are conscious even while sleeping
their sleep being like a prayer.
ðj ،رðm م، mـ،ـi Ä ـi mـ
، ـ،ـê ڍ،כ اðôpن، ر
ôj ،§òj jئڻò
، ا،ن ا،ڌورو ر،îئ¦ ،ـ،ـÄ م، v
.èئڻêô ـËئÂîو èـ ðº êïì ́ ، èـ،ـê ï»ìèئران ðèرت ðîھ í ́
( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
Keep quiet, move not the lips
close the eyes and cover up ears
drink water, fill not your stomach full
leave the hunger half satisfied
-If you do all this, you shall witness
the manifestation in your mind.