Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
ـò،ـ˜ـ،ـڻـِ ëـِ ïôëئن òμº ن، ðî،ر ڃ،، ر رائð،

ِƒـ ـðôـŠـِ Œـِ ،êôÇ ê˜å Äôj ðôڳå


ـðن، ـïـِŒـ ـôـ،ـê

ِـkـ Çـ ـôڻò،،—ـ،ـéـِ !ðîت ،ـðن ِ åـ،ـïـ Çئر، ́ ئ—ئ



( 1 داμÇئن pئðîڙي، ÄÇ)

It is entirely mountainous, gravel and sand

where the lovers reside

Their feet are busted into bits by the stones

O’ my Love! My darling!

Take care of me, a plebeian.

ِ ́ ـ ، Äôj ھòqj íë ـ³ºـِ


بئî’ي، ò˜éw ـ³

.ري Äôp pئðîڙ—òھ ،Äô— }ئرÂìóو ðô}

( 2 داμÇئن pئðîڙي، ÄÇ)

Where there is no sign of even a bird

the fire twinkles there

Who can kindle it there

except the spiritualists.

،êôóÄôj ð ́ئj êôïì— ،،Äôj ۾ —Äôkيھ

، ÄôÇ ئò ́ ôئن Çـ،ـŠـڳ ،êôـèئڙîـِ ـì»ïڳ èـ ôºئن

.òïå ð— ï»ìèئن —ðڙن ، Äô€ وÂìÇ €ئêôھ ن، ا

( 3 داμÇئن pئðîڙي، ÄÇ)

The wanderers set forth the foot on an irregular path

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