Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
not to get the clothes wet.

،òîر ðïåئj pئن ـÈڳ jـ —ئê ðÇ jئ́ ئر، ðº ðôj

.ðº Âëئj êôïëا íïj ð— qôÇئر، ن ðè !ـ–Çئåـِ

How can one, who is put in deep ( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)


escape from getting wet?

O’ seeker! Please teach me the way to this secret.

،ðº ðƒ êôـ jـ ـòjـِ ،òº ـí،́ ـِ çôïºðÇ ر،ت، ðÍ

ِ ãèئبـ êïìè ðº ،ðÇ òîئë ـê ـÁـ Çـ


.ƒئò íë ـä

( 1 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)

You have no visualization of the Beloved

you are describing Him

It is not an eloquent (talk)

which is not said face to face.

èـ íë êïìè ð˜ë ، ڊäó íë íïtóڊ ð˜ë


—ئ، ـïئڙ




.ò— ،êô— Äj،وڙي ر ð— ، äôp òئðîا ي§

( 3 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)

There is neither the length nor breadth

nor any face and frame

It is possible not for the blind

magic. to perceive the
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