not to get the clothes wet.
،òîر ðïåئj pئن ـÈڳ jـ ئê ðÇ jئ́ ئر، ðº ðôj
.ðº Âëئj êôïëا íïj ð qôÇئر، ن ðè !ـÇئåـِ
How can one, who is put in deep ( 4 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
escape from getting wet?
O’ seeker! Please teach me the way to this secret.
،ðº ð êôـ jـ ـòjـِ ،òº ـí،́ ـِ çôïºðÇ ر،ت، ðÍ
ِ ãèئبـ êïìè ðº ،ðÇ òîئë ـê ـÁـ Çـ
.ئò íë ـä
( 1 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
You have no visualization of the Beloved
you are describing Him
It is not an eloquent (talk)
which is not said face to face.
èـ íë êïìè ðë ، ڊäó íë íïtóڊ ðë
ئ، ـïئڙ
.ò ،êô Äj،وڙي ر ð ، äôp òئðîا ي§
( 3 داμÇئن آÇئ، ÄÇ)
There is neither the length nor breadth
nor any face and frame
It is possible not for the blind
magic. to perceive the