، -- Çئڻ pڻê íë Ç++ ،òئm ÞôÔå ، --ò ́ðî÷++
. --ئô ́ óئئðن áæÚ ́ êئôº ، îئڻ ا آدêÈó ي
( 7 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
“These saintly beings, carry not
any worldly desire with themselves”, says Latif
The identification mark of the ascetics
is that they have renounced the world.
، ئر ð÷ ðºڳòھ ،ò ðºڙ ôºئðÇن
.òp اëن آôئئêô jئر، ðjرب وÂìÇ
( 8 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
Since the meeting
I am relieved of the distress
He showed the straight path
to the blind ones
and those with no guidance.
، ـ³ِëـ ðÇن ڏðz ðtëئë ،ò ðºڙ ôºئðÇن
.ðô بئغ ðÇ ا،ڄ ـòæ pـ ، ³m ن ðÇðî ðï»ـ mـ
( 8 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
Since I met and witnessed the selfless ascetics
my mind, which was like a bud
opened up into a blossom.