Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
،oå òwðtë÷ íë sبÄي، íë ـÂìاِsـ íë

.Çئðïèن Íئ½ا êïëا‘ô ́ وک،، €Äن êïëا‘ôº

They have neither a coverlet( 9 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

nor a patchwork quilt

nor a piece of loin cloth

Wherever they take a step

the Lord is in front of them.

،òwðŒئ— —ــêô íë sبÄي، íë اÂìs íë

بئبـ ۾، ـ…، Çـ }ئري êôèئÇ


،òwðîبئ ـê

.ƒôئ واٽ و‰ئئò ،ò ́وÄبº òڳðº

( 10 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

They have neither a coverlet

nor a patchwork quilt, nor wear a loin cloth

The ascetics kindled a dull blazing fire

in the waste land

Sounding their musical instrument

these divine ascetics went their way.

،òº æîڳ ìîئئر ė ، Äj êôj ð{óو

.ð˜Ç وÂëÄè Çـ،ـئن، ، èـ،ـÄ !آدòÈó ، ا،ڄ

You ask about the past 9 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

why don't you get ready to go off

O’ ascetic! Die today

tomorrow every body will eventually die.
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