Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
íîئÇ Çـ،ـkـ،ـ’


ِºـ !ºئºـ–، ،jـ،ـÈئíî


و ـç،



،¦ئj òp ëبò ́ ـ ́ Âìون ن، ðóÂìـ،ـÇ òj ر òïóر

.òº ن، ا ـòِو،†ـ ا،ڳôئن ،¦øôـåـِ ن ð ́ !åـ،ـïtìئ

O’ minstrel! Forget not the Lord( 1 داμÇئن ،ò ́ئ€Äj ÄÇ)

even for a moment

solder your fiddle, play your silver chords

O’ bard! Approach and appeal to Him

with humility and submission.



؟ —ðه —بð —Äت ،اÄμô— وارا —Äت ت

، ڏوه Çـ،ـðئò ðÇ ،يė ç— بÂìو ò˜ôº

.ƒôئن ðÇن í ́ êô‡Ç òº ، ðåه آ̈ ، jئرس نð ́

( 1 داμÇئن ،ò ́ئ€Äj ÄÇ)

There are lots of expert musicians

what can you do there?

Human deeds are full of faults

O’ Lord! You are the miraculous stone

I am merely an iron core

If only you touch me

I would be transformed into gold.
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