How many benefits a follower can specify?
، èـ،ـÄ،כ ò òp ðèن Çئ ðsدڙي، ڏòë ـÄ sـ ºئ
.êôÇ ادب íïóو اوڍي ، Ämخ èئري !øôm
( 9 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
The guide gave me a quilt
which is a matter of pride for me
O’ follower! Sit head-over-heels
and wear it humbly.
ـïئ¦، Çـ ðڻïs ðèن Çئن ðsدڙي، ڏòë ـÄ sـ ºئ
.êôÇ ادب òº اوڍêó ،¦ئè رÇئڻò òئôë
I much like the guilt, which the guide gave ( 9 داμÇئن ،òæèرا ÄÇ)
If one wears it humbly
it will take one to the destination.
،òïå ðÇ وòî ðº ،ò ́ ذات آòî íë ڏات
،òïÇ ئم kÇ ،نðº êïºð}ا ن آرðó
.òïå ́ ئن ò ºئن òqº òp êïì ́ ،òîر رات وٽ را¦ ðº
( 1 داμÇئن ،ò ́ئÄj ÄÇ)
Pedigree does not influence spiritual elevation
it is achieved only by hard work
The Lord often favours the innocents' behaviour
He who passes the night with the Lord
shall come across no sorrow.